The Secret to Radiant Skin

As skin ages, the rate of skin cell turnover slows down. The result is a dull, lifeless complexion. New skin cells are created in the lower layer, the dermis and over time cells migrate to the surface of the skin. Through the aging process the natural process of skin surface becomes uneven, which gives skin a dry, dull character.

A simple test you can do at home to see if you have surface dry skin cells on your skin is to take a piece of clear tape and apply it to the forehead. Rub it gently and remove. Look at the tape, and if there are little pieces of flaky skin, then you need to exfoliate!

Exfoliation is defined as the removal of surface dry skin cells and is considered one of the most important techniques you can perform on your skin to resolve many skin problems as well as to achieve a radiant and glowing complexion.

Exfoliation involves the removal of the outer layer, the oldest dead skin cells to reveal the newer skin beneath. Credit is given to the ancient Egyptians for the practice to  exfoliate skin with abrasive tapes  made with alabaster, honey and sour milk, and then used finely ground sand to keep the skin beautiful and silky smooth.

Exfoliation is achieved by either mechanical or chemical means and could be as simple as a bath sponge, a pumice stone for foot exfoliation, a natural bristle brush for full body exfoliation or a mud mask or fine scrub for the face.

Cleansing, exfoliating and applying moisturizer are the most important steps to a beautiful, healthy and naturally radiant skin.

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