The Amazing Benefits of Oil Pulling

Astonishing results have been accomplished by practicing the age old Ayurvedic tradition of oil pulling. The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity. All it takes is a tablespoon of cold pressed sesame, sunflower or unrefined coconut oil to get to some of the root causes of chronic conditions and health problems.

It is most beneficial to practice oil pulling in the morning before brushing your teeth, before breakfast – on an empty stomach. The art of slowly swishing the oil around the inside of the mouth and by sucking and pulling the oil between the teeth for five to twenty minutes, mixing it with your saliva, creates an interaction to activate enzymes needed to draw toxins from your body.

As the oil is being swished back and forth mixed with saliva, it becomes more watery and white and very toxic and under no condition should it be swallowed. Once the process is completed, remove the oil by spitting and thoroughly rinse your mouth afterwards to eliminate any trace of it. Normal activities can be resumed at this point.

For chronic conditions the oil pulling process can be repeated one or two more times during the day, but always on an empty stomach and before meals and always with proper rinsing afterwards.

One of the most striking results is the fastening of lose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and bad breath. The benefits can be far reaching since studies show that oral health is linked to general health and well-being.