The Benefits of Coconut and MCT Oils

Coconut oil is the primary source of MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides), a type of saturated fats and contains approximately 42% lauric acid, 7% caprylic acids and 5% capric acid, in addition to the MCT’s, coconut oil also contains LCT’s (long chain triglycerides), mostly found in fish, avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil.

The four types of MCTs

MCT’s go straight to the liver, where they are quickly absorbed and digested to be used for immediate energy or turned into ketones.

Ketones are compounds produced when your liver breaks down fats and they can then be used for energy instead of glucose or sugar.

C6 – caproic acid – Metabolizes very quickly. typically removed during the manufacturing of MCT oil.

C8 – caprylic – Energy Booster, Fight Infection, Reduces Gut Inflammation

C10 – capric acid – Anti-Fungal, Controls Yeast, Fungi and Candida, Boost Immunity

C12 – lauric acid – Anti-Microbial, Weight Loss, Fight Acne, High Heat Tolerant

The medium-chain length MCT’s do not require enzymes or bile acids for digestion and absorption. They are less likely to be stored as a fat and may promote weight loss