Most people think that de-hydration is something that happens to individuals under extreme conditions. But there is a chronic form of de-hydration that can happen over time when the intake of water is inadequate or reduced and
more fluids are exiting the body than are being replaced. Dehydration is a condition when the body does not have enough water and fluids to
carry out its normal functions and therefore may contribute to digestive disorders and constipation, fatigue, sluggish metabolism, low blood pressure, disorientation, urinary infection, weight gain and obesity, skin conditions and premature aging to name a few.
Three quarters of the human body is made up of water and requires a rather sophisticated management system. Throughout the day we constantly lose fluids as we breathe, sweat, urinate and through the bowels, which can easily be replaced by adequate water intake.
The first symptoms of dehydration include thirst, darker urine and decreased urine production. In fact, urine color is one of the best indicators of a person’s hydration level, clear urine means you are well hydrated and a darker urine indicates dehydration.
Although dehydration can happen to anyone, some people are at greater risk and severe cases require medical attention. Critical levels of dehydration may be experienced with fever, diarrhea, vomiting or excessive sweating, exposure to hot and humid temperatures and by people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, the elderly, infants and children and can lead to delirium and unconsciousness.
The average adult requires a minimum of 5 fluid ounces of water daily for every 10 pounds of body weight and should not include sodas/soft-drinks, coffee or tea. Pure natural water is the best choice.