Monthly Archives: October 2022

Fears and Anxieties

Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort and fear that may cause someone to experience a rapid heartbeat and a state of extreme uneasiness. Those with anxiety disorders have an irrational experience that does not go away, it interferes with daily life and leaves people feeling overwhelmed and exhausted..

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Amylase Enzymes for Carbohydrate Digestion

Carbohydrates are one of the basic food groups which include sugars, fibers and starches – found in grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and other dairy products. The digestion of carbohydrates begins the moment food enters your mouth. The saliva secreted from the salivary glands adds moisture to food as it is chewed and releases an enzyme called amylase.

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Obesity – A Status Symbol

There was a time, when extra weight and obesity was considered a sign of prosperity in men and a sign of beauty and attractiveness in women. This may date back to Neolithic times when for the first time in the history of culture, humans began to own property, domestic animals, agricultural

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Dreams and Reality

Daydreaming about the future is the first step to planning and creating an outline of what would be the ideal outcome – the perfect life. Creating positive images in your mind is the foundation of goals, just like a blueprint it is mapping out the road to success. Unless you know where you’re going every step can either take you closer or like a ship without a sail, without a purpose and without a destination, is lost at sea.

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