Weight Loss Starts in the Mind

It takes the right attitude to commit to any important decision – nothing happens until you take that first step – until you make a conscious decision to initiate some of the changes. Any possible distraction or interference should be eliminated

before starting on the journey of weight loss and periods of extreme stress, holidays, and upcoming social events should be avoided.

Once you are ready to make that commitment, get rid of everything not suitable or part of your weight loss program, restock your fridge with healthy foods and allow time for exercise and relaxation. Weight loss and a plan to accomplish your goals will have to take priority over everything else in your life and your lifestyle needs to be adjusted to accommodate these changes

Create a picture in your mind of positive images and improvements these changes can bring about and to re-enforce your desire to be slim and fabulous.

The right attitude will go a long way when temptations and opportunities to cheat present themselves. Try to eliminate situations that are focused on food and entertainment. Do not indulge in images of your favorite foods or allow yourself too many choices. Focus on the chosen plan, prepare the right foods and the right portions ahead of time, and stick with it.