Obesity – A Status Symbol

There was a time, when extra weight and obesity was considered a sign of prosperity in men and a sign of beauty and attractiveness in women. This may date back to Neolithic times when for the first time in the history of culture, humans began to own property, domestic animals, agricultural

 land, houses, pottery and metal tools. Before that obesity was almost non-existent, and still is in all wild animals and most primitive races.

Today’s high obesity rates are common among most civilized races, due to the changes in our activity levels towards a more sedentary lifestyle and our food supply being highly processed and otherwise manipulated. Wherever abnormal fat was regarded as an asset, sexual selection was driving the trend and the desire to fit the model of beauty and grace.

It is only in very recent times that obesity has lost some of its allure, although the trend of oversized breasts and buttocks – which is always a sign of latent obesity – shows that the trend still lingers on. These unhealthy fat deposits do not promote health and wellness and while there are great variations in the severity of obesity it has recently lost its appeal as a status symbol and has now developed in a worldwide obesity crisis.