What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a medical alternative to the approach of diseases in a natural way, a non-invasive way to address health conditions at their roots. Homeopathy is derived from the Latin “similia similibus curentur” – meaning “like cures like”. It is based on the principle that the body can heal itself by producing the same symptoms as those experienced by the ailment.

Homeopathic medicines can be used on their own or in combination with other treatments or supplements, they are molecule size doses of natural substances derived from body systems, plants, minerals, or even toxic substances. Due to its dilution process, homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic and cannot be overdosed like conventional drugs.

Homeopathy is used for the treatment of a wide number of acute and chronic diseases and can be used long-term without side effects or negative impacts to the immune system or damage to the organs.