Quantum Hypnosis

Quantum Hypnosis

Is a natural extension to the state of the subconscious mind to choose your own reality. Quantum hypnosis is giving us limitless access to the one intelligent consciousness that permeates the universe, the one all powerful, ever present, omniscient force, also known as the quantum mind.

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Weight Loss Starts in the Mind

It takes the right attitude to commit to any important decision – nothing happens until you take that first step – until you make a conscious decision to initiate some of the changes. Any possible distraction or interference should be eliminated

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Weight Loss Plateau

After following a diet plan and successfully losing some of the extra weight there will most likely come a time when the weight stays the same despite following the diet and exercise plan. This is referred to as a weight loss plateau.

This may happen any time between the eighteen-to-twenty-four-week period and is often the cause for frustration and abandoning the weight loss plan altogether.

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Sugar Cravings/Addiction

Are sugar cravings an addiction or just an unhealthy way of eating? Let’s look at the facts. The sugar industry has taken advantage of our inability to stop our addictions and cravings for sugar and sweets, blaming our lack of discipline on unhealthy weight gain.

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Know your Blood Type

Knowing your blood type is important, mainly because it determines who you can donate blood to, but also who you can receive blood from.

There are four basic blood groups: A, B, AB and O. Each is defined by which molecules called antigens and antibodies are present on the surface of red blood cells. Type A blood contains A antigen and the B antibody. Type B contains the B antigen, and the A antibody and Type AB contains both – A and B antigens and no antibodies. Type O contains neither.

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Emotions and Memory

Emotion can have a powerful impact on memory. Numerous studies have shown that most vivid autobiographical memories tend to be of emotional events, which are likely to be recalled more often and with more clarity and details than neutral events. Many events such as unexpected adverse situations encountered will have a lasting memory beyond the usual recall.

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Bacteria and Decay

The life of bacteria is built around food. These micro-organisms don’t have traditional mouths to feed, but they eat, they digest and they excrete waste and they break down their food into its more elemental components to facilitate absorption. We need decay to break down dead matter into basic substances to provide nutrients for new plants, to feed our soil, and promote life.

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Auricular Stimulation for Weight Loss

Auricular acupuncture points are traditionally treated with needles but may also effectively be used for acupressure, electro-stimulation or the use of pellets/seeds. The advantage being that they can manually be pressed on – or stimulated as needed.

Auricular acupuncture was first used in France in 1956 by Dr. Paul Nogier. He noticed that patients’ backache was cured when they

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Female Weight Loss

To lose weight is difficult to say the least. What makes the difference between men and women is that women have to deal with hormonal imbalances on top of it.  There is a way to take advantage of this hormonal factor and to help you create the best body shape for your current body proportions,

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Sperm Count and Quality

Today’, men have much lower sperm counts than they did just 50 years ago -prior to the days of agricultural chemicals, fluoride in our drinking water, and other environmental conditions.. A steady increase in hormone-disrupting chemicals and other

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Consciousness and Self-Awareness

If we look up consciousness in the dictionary, the definition is awareness of the world around us. We cannot be aware of something without interacting with it somehow in some manner. Anything we are aware of we are interacting with on some level, and this serves as the natural pursuit in the

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The Secret to Radiant Skin

As skin ages, the rate of skin cell turnover slows down. The result is a dull, lifeless complexion. New skin cells are created in the lower layer, the dermis and over time cells migrate to the surface of the skin. Through the aging process the natural process of skin surface becomes uneven, which gives skin a dry, dull character.

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Leptin and Obesity

One would think that eating too much would result in an abundance of nutritional support for cells. But being overweight and undernourished at the same time is a reality that is just beginning to be understood.

Overweight people often suffer from gross malnutrition

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Vitamin B-12 Deficiency

If you consider becoming a vegetarian or follow a vegetarian lifestyle then getting enough vitamin B12 should be a concern. Researchers have long known that a strict vegetarian diet which excludes all animal products including dairy and eggs may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency and possibly anemia and heart disease.

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Microbes Are Part Of Our Lives

The main reason why microbes invade the bodies of human beings and animals is because these bodies harbor environments suitable for bacteria to survive and multiply. They provide body fluids, such as plasma rich in sugars, vitamins, minerals, and other substances needed for these micro-organisms to thrive and flourish. Bacteria influence human physiology, alter human thinking, and work together to bioengineer the environment.

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Bulimia and Anorexia

Bulimia is the secret practice of eating, usually to excess and then either vomiting or taking bowel purging substances to ensure evacuation the next day or sooner. Bulimics tend to believe they are in control of their body and follow strict rituals of elimination.

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